Damn, why she called them to bring me to the hell. I didn't go there of course. And i don't really care that, hmmm. And fine Eugine you never come for teaching us, you're dumb! :S :( :D Reached home, bath then play laptop. Listening to those songs what i always listening. Don't have idea for download new songs. :l Habbo is getting bored don't you think, and my HC just left 3 days. Should i renew or quit? :) :D :( :S -.- ! Anyway, TOMORROW HOLIDAY, HURRAY! Byebye. ♥
Showing posts from April, 2009
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Yay! Finally it's done! I'm was waiting for you so looooong. Finally the cute aunty finished help me to made it, thanks 9092, tomorrow i'll go buy Toto. Am i really too excited? o: LOL!. Cindy gave me a present again :) She's sooo nice, after giving me that then ask me to pay . ~ Not really exp la, total RM2.40 And it's red colour, i screamed. Okay it's a bunny i think. Or dog. x.x LOL. She said she bought it at her tuition blabla. I love it. Zoooooom in. Today i make Jing Wen angry because i accidentally blablaaa. And i know she feel like to cry. And she told me that's her ex bf gave her that. I'm so sorry. Then i helped her to repair it. At first i can't. Then my friends helped her, still cannot. And i was sooo sorry about it, and i asked her to give me back. Then i repair. Then, omg? I repaired it back nicely. Issit a magic? Then Jing Wen was very happy, and she smile at me. And ask me to repair her things more, rofl. Then my friends said im pr...
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Today i went to saloon for cut my hair, the freaking fat and ugly aunty cut wrong my hairstyle, i hate her soooooooooooooooooooooooo much! :l Today was nothing to post, well i just wanted to tell you all of this bitch, I woke up and play computer, listening songs, and she woke up too, then she just walk behind me, and will suddenly scold: "Shut up." And i don't know what happened to her, and i still listening. Yeah yeah, i had many subjects failed, and she was like very happy, keep talking and laughing louder to mother infront of me. Yeah i know, you're clever, but that will make people hate you. And the things i hatest, you said im useless. It's many times you repeat it. So you think you're very clever? No, if you can get 1st. I don't think you're clever since im young, you're just telling people you're clever so that will make people scare of you or what, what a laugh. Well im posted this blog. Bye.
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Not really in a good mood. Because of my shirt & shoes. Dirty, and i'm tired. So that i can't go for learning Trumpet. Because of my name. Money is not so important to me, wish tomorrow can change it. Because of homeworks. Why Cikgu Rosnawati suddenly gave us so many homeworks uh? Because of him. Bored without him. Because of her. Why does she's so mad one? Because of myself. I'm sleepy. Goodnight.
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Woke up, open computer, checking friendster. Breakfast with Nasi Lemak and Pau. Watching TV awhile. Play computer again. With boredom. Bathing. Playing computer. Doing homeworks. Designing the first page of my notebook. See how messy was my room, hehe. After that, playing computer againnn. Dinner. Bathe. And sleep. Heeeeeeeeeee. Bye. :)
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HELLO! Today my cute mummy, sister with me went to Warisan Square. My sister and i ate some foods in Secret Resi pe. Mushroom chicken . Then we go find mummy and shopping. It's bored at there, we just shopping like 2-3 hours. We go in the Roxy shop, and i saw a Roxy bag. It's brown colour and nice designing. Sadly, the bag price is RM180.00+ So i can't buy, im poor you know. :( I didn't take the picture of it, too bad. But it's very very nice! I'll buy it soon. I promise! :( Since we were bored there, so we go Center Point. And i bought some stationery in Eaton's. I most like the notebook, it's cost RM4.80. Actually i very like the notebook in Popular, but it's too expensive. It cost like RM7.00+ After that, we go buy Yoyo drink. And we go in Nike Shop, the bags are so ugly. I prefer the Roxy bag. :D Then, we go back home by taxi. Went back home, was finding my spec like half hour, LOL. And i found it, beside my sister butt. Playing computer. Chattin...
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T0dae arhs t0dae ii d0n't have anythiings t0 p0st leyyy . Buut t0dae ii scared miie friiends 0f gh0st st0riies . iit's funneh when theyy are sh0cked . erm mayb eu wiill ask whyee t0dae ii'll type liike that , iim just wanna tell eu, iim s0 b0riing ! I post this blog need 10mins sia, so geng right. I know im geng. Bye
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Waa, today the Milo with ants makes me stomachache in the school, and my back is hurt cause of yesterday i play computer in the whole day. Sigh. Bahasa Melayu Lesson was so boring! Math it's not so boring, and i was talking with Siti. I just wanna be her friend, she's so lonely? :x LOL. ERT freaking boring too! I hate that teacher. :D RINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG! Resting time :o Ate nasi goreng! Hmm, delicious. And i drink Teh Tarik. After that, i saw Siti when i was walking. I said hi to her. And she smile. Today is the first time i saw her cute smile. o.o RINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG! Back from class. Seni, Many question idk how to answer. o.o Issac ate sotong in the class again, today he don't let me to eat? Maybe he's too hungry today. ... Geografi, i forgot to do the homework and luckily i wrote super fast in the class. I'm cool i know, LOL. And they get punished, poor them :') Sejarah, the teacher didn't come today! Playing with friends, rofl. Calina and Nadiah was c...
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LOL today was so happy and funny! I bluffed so many friends today! Many people was really believe. You know what i lied? 1. The school stairs got a snake, many people scream when they saw it. (Tira, Annie, Narina, Brenda - April fools) 2. Your shoelace is loosed. (Jing Wen, Yi Qian - April fools) 3. Teacher asked me to tell you to go Block C for find her. (Esther, Evelyn - April fools) 4. Someone is calling you. (Forgot her name - April fool) 5. OMG HE'S EATING SOTONG IN THE CLASS! (Issac - April fool) 6. Got somethings on your face. (Narina - April fool) 7. Today must pass up the book or teacher will punish you. (Nadiah, Calina - April fools) 8. Today must give money to teacher to buy book. (Anabelle - April fool) 9. You're zip is opened! (Issac - April fool) The 10th. When Issac was not in the class, i put the glue on his bottle and asked him to drink. Then he take and show the weird face to me. LOL. He opened his hand and scream. LMAOOO! Then i laugh in the class. HAHAHA! An...