
1th; Was having dinner with my family in the 天天饭店, the foods was very delicious too, LOL. Then i saw Brian Liew when leaving, my mum said he's very tall and handsome o.O My sister said he was smiling to her. LMAO ROFL LOLLL. On the way back to home, Brian SMS to Jing Wen about i black olready. I can't stop laughing until reached home. 3th; Sick, while we waiting for the teacher, Isaac go infront me and said: "对不起昨天我睡觉不能陪你玩。" Because yesterday i asked him to play Habbo, then Vanessa & Jing Wen laugh like hell ( What thing so funny? -.- ) Then Vanessa asked:" 为什么你不叫他不要睡觉然后陪你玩? " Then they continue laughing again, T.T Today i early come back school cause of sick, including Jing Wen LOL. 4th; Well, today i sick, so don't need to go to school. I know my friends will miss me, *perasan* 5th; Woah many people really miss me yesterday :P When learning to play the drums, Anen asked my name is Korin. Then i said yes why. He said: "Korin is a cat in the 'Dragon Ball Show' " Hahaha. 6th; I found out Korin the cat! :D
Issit cute? LOL.

7th; I went to Citymall again, haha. Today i saw Vanessa! She just let me see a "nice pose" then i go in the Music Shop find my sister. And then, i saw Cindy 2 times today! Yeepee, lol. When my sister and i going to call my father to come bring us to go home, i received a msg - Jing Wen is in the Citymall too! While i go find her, she just flap me like last time! Then i talk with her. I saw her mother with two aunties talking and one of the auntie said i look like Jing Wen! Then the another auntie and her mother keep staring at me, and i just laugh? LOL. When she going to Giant, she smsed me: You're so pretty! Teehee, actually she's prettier then me :P Today i never ate lunch and dinner cause of my mother. T.T Sorry for my stomach Hahs.

Cool right? My new Friendster Profile's background. :D

8th; Today was very boring so that's why i changed my FS background. Whole day of playing computer & eating chocolates cause nothing to eat. And i downloaded many Miley Cyrus' songs!

I fall in love with Miley Cyrus.

Crazy aeremay. (:

11th; Test, i think Sejarah i'll fail, cause it's too hard? Zzz. Agama i sure fail! Because it hard until i cannot write any answer on the paper! ): That's mean my Agama will get F. Sigh. 12th; GEOGRAFI HARD LIKE HELLLLL. D: I think i'll fail many subjects. T.T But i think CHI will get A. HAHAHA. 13th; SCIENCE DAMN HARD ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ~! 15th until 17th; Went for Camp. :D

Downloaded MSN 8.5! :D

Actually i can download it earlier like last year, but my sister don't let me to. HEHE, but nevermind lah, now i can download it olready! I love the new MSN btw! :D

16th; The last day of the Camp, (: We're just too bored so take some pics HAHA.

18th; I CUT MY HAIR TODAY! I looks so ugly now. ): 19th; Went out with my super-super best friends, we ate 2 plates of PIZZA! :D

Actually we ordered the wrong pizza LOL.

After we were eating, Jing Wen with me go HappyK sang some songs woots! :D I sang louder then her! HAHA. After singing, we went to GamePlace to play Car Racing Game, but there's too many people so i didn't play it. When i changed my token and going to play the Candy Machine, then I SAW ISAAC'S SISTER! When i saw her, i like "O.O" She's "O.o" LOLL. She's so pretty yoh! While we're playing, i like a siaozharbor keep playing and if lose will scold the machine LOL. Then we were window-shopping on the first floor, when we across the Bra Shop, i asked Jing Wen to buy one for herself, then they laugh & laugh haha. After that, we go yogurberry and eat it.


That's mine! :D

After that we went for the leaf egg shop. :D The egg was so delicious! Delicious until forgot to take a picture. T.T Lastly, we went to groundfloor and see some little things. Then my family annoying me to go back home with them, and i farewell to them! :D Oh ya, i forgot to give back Vivian's book. "Sorry Vivian".

Im the extra. O:

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