Hai :D Just take a nap just now. Slept on the floor~ so cold. Plus i didnt wear pants to sleep. Wow i heard someone got H1N1 in my school. Hope don't pass to me k, i don't want to die so early. heh. Wondering my primary school got student get H1N1 or not o: I hear a cat meowing outside my house. Eh damn cute leh, black& white . Sad can't bring it to home, i scare my mum will faint. kk bye .
Showing posts from July, 2009
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Hihihi. I was late to school, yeah. I slept late. And after we finished breakfast, i asked my father to bring us to school. And you know? He said, he want to sleep & asked us dont go to school -_- ! What a crazy father? Then im so angry, then i scolded him: "bring me to school also cannot!" Then i leave his room. You know? My mum, sis angry like hell. After few minutes, the crazy father bring us to school zzz. But on the way, he scolded me and my sis like 10+ minutes. You know what he scolded, he scolded me that my say is super bad. He said i go to school not to study is to play with my friends. He said i got many bad friends, i like. Wtf? If you don't know don't anyhow say la. Yeah i admit im too playful in the school, but at least i got listen to the teacher in the class ok? zzz. Like all's my fault, yaya he's correct im wrong. -_- Reached to school around 6:40am. Go in my class and i be quiet. Then Jing wen asked me why did i so late to school, then. I ...
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Hellooo. :l Yes im fine, i just very sleepy. Smsing the guy i FUCKING HATE, that's the first time i sms to him. He asked Bianca my phone number, so this is a good chance to bully a guy so i give him my phone num. Well i will not tell you his name. So i named it Ali , kay. Ali : hi. Me : hi Ali. Ali : hai. Ali : what wrong with jing wen? (bianca.) Me : what? Ali : she told me she don't want a boyfriend. (Oh ps, he like bianca and he wanted to be her boyfriend.) Me : of course, she already have a boyfriend. (Bluffing.) Ali : Who? Me : my mum told me don't anyhow answer the question to the bad people. Ali : huh? please say. *After 1-2 minutes* Ali : who's your mum? (he still don't understand -_-! ) Me : Ok la i tell you, her boyfriend is from class 4Tekun. Ali : What name?? Me : Daniel. (Bianca's brother.) Ali : He's bianca's brother la!! (I thought he's really stupid, LOL.) Me : Oh ya, he's Royston. (Gave him a random name, lmao.) Ali : don't l...
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Hello babies, :B Feel bored so i go update blog :) Nothing to do whole day, listening the same song and keep viewing my own blog. Weather very hot sia :( Hope Malaysia is snowing now, lol. Now i feel Habbo kinda stupid already? Go in a room, then i saw many peoples like to say: -kicks- -punch- -hugs- -chopmyownhead- -muacks- -touch- or like to spam, then they say SFS. Come their house kick la, nothing to do ah? dont come habbo spam la. Why they're so childish one? Nowdays i also very less play Habbo. Hais, im so BORED! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. k bye.
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YAY. FINALLY. ITS SATURDAY TOMORROW! Finally i can rest for 2 days, cause now i late to go home on every tuesday, wednesday, and thursday. ): Luckily i didn't sleep in the class, hehe. About today? Nothing special. Oh yeah, he kena punished by C. Rosnawati today ^o^ what a good news. Group chatting with Rex, Bianca, HongWei in msn just now. Rex is the most funny, keep saying himself very handsome, rofl. I'm thinking about what i should give to Cindy, her birthday is coming soon, on 14 Aug. Pencilbox? T-Shirt? Notebook? Chao gui diao? Rex said he wanted to give her a hot dog -_- ! 7/24/2009 5:20:13 PM Korin.to Rex u want to give her what present? 7/24/2009 5:20:27 PM Rex to Korin. a big big Hotdog 7/24/2009 5:20:31 PM Rex to Korin. no lah 7/24/2009 5:20:35 PM Rex toKorin. kai wan xiao 7/24/2009 5:21:03 PM Rex to Korin. give her a 头奖 What a funny joke. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, im so tired right now. Going down to take ices to eat again! ^o^ Bye babes.
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Skip some lessons; During BM lesson, i anyhow do homework but the teacher said my homework very nice then she take my homework infront of everyone and shout to everyone i write very nice, then Bianca was very jealous, funny please! HAHAHA. History lesson was very fun :D In the bandroom, keep playing the Trumpet but very fun! & im so lucky today. (:
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Hey, guess what. I'm playing Neopets. HAHAHA. Don't say im childish okay, i play Neopets since 22 months ago. But i was just forget my password, so today i found out! ^o^ I almost forget how to play leh, HAHzxc. Last time im a twit, i saw my display name as .::KoRiN::. , i changed my name to Korin already :D (My pets still very cute, lmao!) Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, !
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Hello, it's 12:14 now. But i'm still lying on the bed and blogging. Just went to 7K Run at Sutera Habour today, my foots pain and im damn tired right now. Having fun with my friends yeah. Jing Wen forget us when she got them -o- Some pictures uploaded. ; Before go out; At home ss, lol. When i was inside the car, i saw Alwin Yap and he looked at me too. His face look like, shocked? Lol. Go out from the car, saw Christina and Diana, Christina smiled at me but Diana's not, maybe she still don't know me. :o Smsed to Jingwen; "where are you? Come faster la." Then she replied me to ask me to find Brian cause he reached at there. Smsed to Brian for asking where's him -o- Found him and talk with him, bored. Few minutes later, i saw Khyun Shee and she say hi to me! :D Around 10mins later, Cindy reached she scolded me that i didnt call her because she smsed me to call her -o- Line not good sorry, LOL. Before running, we dance at there, hahaha. I was telling Brian, t...
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1. What are you doing right now? - 2. Who are you chatting with? / or who was chatting with you. - 3. Say about the person chatting with you/ or who was chatting with you. - 4. What do you think of yourself? - 5. Do you love yourself? - 6. Are you single? / If not, please type out his/her name. - 7. Don't move, look at your hands. Where your hands put at? - 8. What type of people you hate? - 9. Whose blog you most like to read? - 10. What are you thinking? - xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo, Type out the names of 10 people you're thinking, then answer the questions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. What was the first impression of 4? - 2. How did you meet 3? - 3. What would you do if 4 kissed you? - 4. What would you do if 2 give a kiss to 9? - 5. What's 3 favourite colour? - 6. What do you think of 6? - 7. Would 9 & 10 be a good couple? - 8. Do you hate 5? - 9. Does 7 has a girl/boyfriend? - 10. Do you want to smack 1? - 11. What's the blog url of 6? - 12. How did you get 10...
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1)Who was the last person you texted? Tim? 2)Who was the first person who texted you today? I think Tim also. 3)Who was the last person you met? My sister. 4)Would you consider yourself spoiled? Yes. 5)What time did you went to bed last night? Around 9:30pm. 6)Have you ever had a best friend that is opposite sex? NO! 7)Do you want someone dead? youyouyou. 8)What are you thinking right now? I'm so funny. 9)Who was the last person you take picture with? Cindy the cute. 10)Do you wish someone was with you right now? Yes! 11)Who are you talking to right now? Talking to myself. 12)What does the last message say? JingWen: i wear sportpants oh. 13)Is someone in your mind? Yes but dont worry not you. 14)Who is complaining to you right now? LOL, nobody? 15)10 people tagged to do quiz. 1. Akiko 2. Becky 3. Janet 4. Kareena 5. Katrina 6. PeiShan 7. Rhyna 8. Sabrina 9. Yazreenah 10. Laura K . 16)When was the last time you chatted with 3? [Janet] Yesterday. 17)What if 5 and 10 quarrel? [Katrina...
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梁文音- 最幸福的 事 你撑着雨伞借我那次 已经足够我记得一辈子 我懂后来你不是不坚持 爱情本来就没万无一失 泪水离开了你的手指 那不如让它流在这信纸 我想女孩子最贴心的是 让爱的人选结束的方式 我 最幸福的 事当过你的天使 趁鼻酸能掩饰让我们像当时拥抱最后一次 最幸福的 事吹蜡烛时你总为我许愿的手势 为挚爱的人在左边心口保留位置是 最幸福的 事 可惜爱不是童话故事 不能够永远依赖着王子 才慢慢认识只剩两个字 我怎么忍心为难你解释 我 最幸福的 事当过你的天使 趁鼻酸能掩饰让我们像当时拥抱最后一次 最幸福的 事吹蜡烛时你总为我许愿的手势 为挚爱的人在左边心口保留位置是 最幸福的 事 那一阵子有你美得不像现实 多高兴每一幕都微笑着静止 我 最幸福的 事牵着你的日子 一段爱从开始直至分开我们都对彼此诚实 最幸福的 事对那片海用力大喊永远的样子 想得起的事那天和你傻笑着认识是 最幸福的 事 ---------- Nice song to intro you again :D Enjoy! I'm so lucky today, weeee!
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO BIANCA LIEW Yesterday I lied to Bianca, i smsed her i didn't buy her a present, LOL. Then she sms me back: "nvm" Today in the morning, i put the present in Cindy's class before she arrived to school. When she arrived, Cindy and me fastly put the presents inside our school uniform and going to my class, lmao! But mine is bigger, then i say im a pregnant, LOL. Then we go in my class and shout happy birthday to her! Haha :D All's my idea ok, lmaozxc. Then we force her to open the presents, funny k :D Gawd, i have so many friends are going to birthday on August, September and October. 02 Aug - Isaac Chong. 14 Aug - Cindy Chung. 30 Sept - Vivian Yap and me . 1 Oct - Joannie. 6 Oct - Vivian Chong (not going to give her a present, lmao.) 16 Oct - Brian bra. I'll have headache while im thinking of what present should i give them, :( Cindy ask me to give her Mp3, crazy. Maybe i will give her a pencilbox, o.o Hope she change her disgusting pinkish penc...
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Bianca a.k.a Jing Wen's birthday is coming tomorrow! So i decided to give her a gift. :D I just give her a bottle and card. Using picnik to find some nice fontstyles. Song lyrics. Zai Shu Shang Chang Ge by Clarie Guo :D I used half hour to find the lyrics lor T___T The page full of chinese words is very lag in google chrome -o- Finished! Tadaaaa! Open. To: Liew Jing Wen, From: The pro korin, no idea other than the pro korin, LOL. Done! Ready to give her tomorrow! ^o^ I know im very romantic la, lmao! LJW i post to let you see im pro-er than you! LOL. Just kidding. Read le must tag me, :( BFF! :D Bye.