I was late to school, yeah. I slept late.
And after we finished breakfast, i asked my father to bring us to school.
And you know? He said, he want to sleep & asked us dont go to school -_- !
What a crazy father?
Then im so angry, then i scolded him: "bring me to school also cannot!"
Then i leave his room.
You know? My mum, sis angry like hell.
After few minutes, the crazy father bring us to school zzz.
But on the way, he scolded me and my sis like 10+ minutes.
You know what he scolded, he scolded me that my say is super bad. He said i go to school not to study is to play with my friends. He said i got many bad friends, i like. Wtf? If you don't know don't anyhow say la. Yeah i admit im too playful in the school, but at least i got listen to the teacher in the class ok? zzz. Like all's my fault, yaya he's correct im wrong. -_-
Reached to school around 6:40am.
Go in my class and i be quiet.
Then Jing wen asked me why did i so late to school, then. I cried again -_-
Everyone was shocked, like omgzz why korin cry.
So stupid ok, haiszxc.
Then you know, Cindy cried with me too.
She's super crazy k, nobody make she cry o.o
Haha nvm nvm.
Today many teacher didn't come to school, i eatcandytalkloud but the new teacher also don't care much.
But i got study ok, study about music -_-
Computer lesson also nothing to do one, so siaaaan ah.
Better today don't come to school, :(
But im so happy in the bandroom, :D Too bad Ella and Elizabeth didn't come today, so sian without them! (L).
I hate A so much, keep bully jing wen -_-
He said, like this cannot don't know ah?! and blablabla.
Oh please, you're just a student only, scold so much for what?
Makes her cry only? Like you very big?
Keep send msg LC to her, you think say LC mean you very big ah? zzz.
After pancaragam. I guyiguyi walk slowy, cause i don't want to see my useless father -_-
I go in the car around 5pm, haha :D
Wow, what a short post :D
& Brian, there's my post! ^^