Hello Kitty

I think im getting very lazy to blog. Anyw, in the morning, i download maple. After downloading, my friend told me i downloaded the wrong maple. i downloaded - Maplestory nexon. LOL. Okay stupid.
I seriously miss my dota! But who can lend me CD?

At night, i was so fucking bored, when i'm google-ing, i just thought - what's my favorite cartoon? LOL. So i thought Spongebob, domokun and hello kitty. So i decided to search them. When i searched hello kitty, i saw those hello kitty stuff are so nice!! I have chosen alot awesome stuff and share with you all!!

It's awesome!

Hello kitty laptop! Perfect.

Hello kitty bags... The design is not really nice

The shoes! Gorgeous.

When i saw this i feel like to bring it to Japan!! <3

And my favorite one is...
Awesomest hello kitty camera!!


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