Merry Christmas! ♥ ♥ ♥

Around 6am, i woke up and see my phone msg, then i saw the msg: "merry christmas! from Bianca", i was like: today is christmas uh? Then i asked her, she said, if not i send you for what (-.-) lol. Actually i forgot the date of x'mas. Then i received a lot unknown people msgs, but i'm wondering why those people i know never send a msg to me -___-''
Around 7am I can't sleep, so i go down to play computer to find italy scenes (again)
Then around 10am, i went to 1Borneo with family to celebrate christmas (such a boring post uh -___-'')
Seriously no mood to post, *emoing*
I wish i can go to school now, staying with family is bored..
I created a christmas joke anyway. ^^
Mom: What present you want for christmas my children?
Eddy: I want a bar of chocolate as my x'mas present!
Amy: I want a barbie doll as my x'mas present!
Jimmy: I want a car toy as my x'mas present!
Mom: So Mimi, what present you want for christmas?
Mimi: I wish i can get santa claus as my x'mas present!
Inspiration from facebook quiz, ``
Bye and wish you have a happy christmas night!