Start over again
surprise! hope this won't make you shocked.. i took this pic using msn when i was bored xP
This is my 1st post on 2011.. i used to be a blogger since 12 years old but i'm kinda busy for study in secondary school (plus lazy XD)
but after quitting my blog, i feel life's boring and useless.. i ever thought to give up my life when i was upset.. the main reason is
so now i must prove my life.. i want my life getting better and better :)
i've designed and edited my blog for around 4 hours.. any comment for my new layout? i think its better than my tumblr and i love it!! hehehe.
about my recent life.. i've joined a music camp at Kian Kok Middle School on monday till wednesday.. around 200 students joined this camp from other school (Shan Tao, Beaufort and Bintulu) i met some friends at there and they're quite friendly ^_^
look at the picture below.. this is me and Mr.Mike Booty (i love my hair in this pic XD)
so hard to get a chance take pic with him.. that's my precious pic although the pic quality is not really good.. :S

i think that's enough for this post :) lazy to type much already and i have a little headache.. goodnight peeps♥