Hello peoplezxc, actually im not in mood to blog about today but im in the mood now. My friends keep asking me to go concertttt, im still not comfirm, my father is quite busy in this few days so i not dare to ask him, I'm sorry my dear friends :( Im totally hate my chinese teacher now. Ok i know thats my fault cause i like to talk in the class. But why did you asked me to sit with a bian tai lao? Why don't you just ask me to shut up? Zzz. They keep calling my name and laugh at me, what thing is so funny ah? Luckily he never did something to me, thanks god. I'm so fucking tired right now, gaaaahs. How i wish i could holiday tomorrow... HAIS, such a bad day today. Eh im still don't understand whats wrong with listen to malay songs? It's that wrong if i like to listen to? I don't think so but why she like not happy? More in my private blog, im lazy to discribe about yesterday. Bye people.
Showing posts from June, 2009
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Hello people! Today i went out with parents. & i took these picture: Look at that people behind me. Oiiishiiii! L. Jing Wen found me in Popular. Married picture. Married picture. My ice-cream :D :D :/ :3 You know im ugly. Hi me again! LOL. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezxc.
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HELLOOO :l Today i went to school to take my result. Failed ok, :) I saw Junaidee, Isaac, Cindy, Alvin, Ella, Alan, Nicole and Joannie. (i saw ELLA, ELLA, ELLA, ELLA!@#$%^.) She say: Hey Liew Jing Wen ask me to find you wor ^o^ Then i say: SHE ALSO ASK ME TO FIND YOU T___T LMAO. She's so cute please. Oh yeah, the fat teacher said my name very nice :) "IKNOWIKNOW", LOLLL. She repeat 2 times, cantik nama kamu. HEHEHEHEHE! In my bedroom, LOL. Byeee.
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Wow, not me. Today im very sian except the science lesson. Liew Jing Wen and i keep talking in the laboratory cause we can't see the words at the whiteboard? :X Her birthday is coming, i will give her a big surprise of course "evil laughs" On 13 July, ha-ha. Siewmai; 30 June. Isaac Chong; 2 August. Cindy; August 14 or 16? I forgotten. Korin; 30 September (...) Narina and me planning to buy a present in Citymall, (without telling her, roflroflrofl.) Ok nth to blog le, bye.
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OMFG CONCERT BAND IS SO AWESOME, WTFISH. I scream when they start the music, i mean everyone (!) Isaac noob la, didn't come for today for staying at home play dota, you sucks! I'm waiting people for upload some video from youtube, i want to watch againnn! ): Too bad i didn't bring my phone la, if not i can take some pics :( I'm bobba tired right now, i was sleeping in the car :o REPEAT: CONCERT BAND IS SO COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!
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Write the names of 21 people you can think off the top your head. Then answer the questions: 1. Bianca 2. Brian 3. Vivian 4. Aaron 5. Wc 6. Siew 7. Eugene 8. Isaac 9. Narina 10. Edna 11. Nadiah 12. Calina 13. Janet 14. Janeen 15. Yi Qian 16. TTC 17. Shak 18. Ella 19. Avitus 20. Caleb 21. Vanessa How did you get meet 8? (Isaac) He sit beside me in my class? What would you do if you and 15 never met? (Yi Qian) Quit computer? LOL. What would you do if 1 and 21 date? (Bianca & Vanessa) Cry cause vanessa steal my les-partner :( Have you ever seen 17 cry? (Shak) Lmao.. No. Would 4 and 16 be a good couple? (Aaron & TTC) Omg they don't know each other? But if they were i think, so match Do you think 11 is attractive? (Nadiah) Nope, i more leh. What's 2 favourite colour? (Brian) Maybe is pink, he's so gay please! When was the last time you talked to 9? (Narina) Outside my class today afternoon. What languages does 8 speak? (Isaac) Ah neh language, joke. Eng, chi and malay. W...
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1. Imagine an small cocokroach or a bug goes/flew inside to your ear and got stuck. What would you do? Very happy, LOL. Joke :D 2. Imagine you get to see your favorite star/artist, face to face. What would you do? Bring him/her to my home. 3. Your celebrity crush? Don't have? 4. Whose blog do you normally visit ? Errr, my own blog. 5. Imagine your internet connection break down and then again , you are temptated by the internet and you cannot live without it , what would you do ? Funny, watch tv. 6. Who's your real life crush? KEKEKEKE. 7. Do you smile, easily ? Nope, but i laugh easily. LOL. 8. If you ever have a chance of changing something in your life , what will it be ? Go in the shop and take all the foods then run away. 9. What would you name your daughter in the future ? My name, rofl. 10. Your son? Enddy! Haha what a nice name :D 11. Do you believe in soulmates ? NOOOOOO. 12. What are you doing besides this survey? Chatting with shuai ge. 13. what if a stranger asked y...
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Why do i often see him in school? Yes, i saw him walk behind me today (: Jing Wen was shocked me for telling me and she make me going crazy o: Too bad i never talk with him before, but im finding some chances to meet him :D Sure many girls will jealous of me o: Haha. After chinese lesson, Narina and i walking to my class, then, she saw some boys going up on the stair and she keep saying: Korin i saw i saw...! Then i really don't know what she want to say about then i shout WHAT? Then she shout: "I saw the boy you like just now!!" Then many people inside the class staring at us, its really make me shame and i faster go back my class and going mad. But she saw the wrong people and this is quite funny haha. (: I'm doing homeworks now, seriously hate homeworks ): Oh ya, i will be late back home on Friday cause that day we will celebrate teacher's day. :D And he got perfom that day, awww i can't wait for it! Bye (:
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2 post for today. Ok, i don't want to act olready. I admit im keep acting as a happy people but im not. Do you know im keep crying at every night? I don't know, i just have a feeling to cry. Why im that unlucky, why? I have no idea to do in my life. I really can't find a happiness in my life. I'm confusing, what i should do? You want i keep laughing for no reason everyday? How i wish i could find a real smile of myself? Full of craps sorry. Sorry for wasting your 3min to read it.
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Happy birthday to Ella! s. Love her smile I will give her a present on the next year :) Lmaooo. Isaac sibei good in mood today but idk why. His table still got many bad words of me LOL. Okay but today he got write about his "girlfriend" on his table. Omg i forgot to ask him to open webcam again, nevermind still got many chances lol! Results :l Malay: 59% English: 56% ERT: 51% Drawing: Paper 1: 22/40 Drawing: 29/40 I hate my result v much :( Jy Korin, ilyf. Oh yeah finally i can train my trumpet and see my admire person tomorrow again @_@ So tomorrow i will be late come back and don't miss me guys Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezxcvbnm!
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Wow i look so white o.o Yesterday i can't sleep at 10pm until 2am. Because i drink coffee in afternoon? Plus, im hungry. Okay, i yrced again. This time 3 hours. x.x Idk what im scare? I'm going out now. Bubyes (: Oh ya, today's the last day of holiday. I'm so lazy to go to school but im really miss my crazy friends! Teehee Bye guys
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I lied, yes. I lied. I'm worry about that everyday, i don't know what you'll think of me. I don't know how will you do after you know the truth. You will know it soon, because you're not stupid. I cried, cause i hate myself that i didn't tell you at first. I don't know why i said no. And now, im acting as a happy people. I'm really don't want to continue this life, i want to tell you but im scare, i scare you will leave me. Before you don't know about that, i want you to say, goodbye. I'm waiting...
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Fuck, today nothing is really will make me happy. Everything's suck. This is the first time im being so angry. Family, love, friendship. ALL SUCK. Emoing whole day, WTH ALL PEOPLE MAKE ME ANGRY TODAY? I'm crying now, life's suck, no people will understand me. If the life is not happy, why should i live in this world? ... Stay at home really nothing can make me happy, Yesterday im soooo happy with friends at school. Friends is the most important and family is just like a shit to me now. Yes, FRIENDSHIP IS IMPORTANT THAN FAMILY. Understand? ZZZ. And sorry if i don't have reply your msg, msn, and blabla, cause im seriously NOT IN MOOD TODAY.
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First day: Quite boredddd, we keep training training and training. I said: "Hello!" Andrew. LOL he's so funny. Tira. Zilian-ing. Second day: Same like yesterday, keep training and very boring. :l Adriana. Cindy. Third day: Today we just train at 9am till 12pm, then after lunch we play game lol. It was fun. Our team 4th won the game. Jing Wen's team 1st so jealous haha. Lmao she know i tou pai her. Jing wen cute always :) Andrew chased by Elizabeth. They dance, cause they lose the game. Second. Team header dance. Happy2Months.
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SIGH, I'M JUST REALIZE THAT IM FAT. Yes, im fat! Cause i ate too much junks food in this few days. YOU KNOW? I can't wear my white pants olready la, zxcvbnm. I want to exerciseexerciseexerciseexerciseeeeee! Throw away my junks food, and don't eat too much from this day onwards, bobba :l Look at my stomach, eee. I feel like to kill myself when i see this picture. zxcvbnm! Anyway this food is so delicious, don't know what name is this lmfaooo. Aw my gawd, it's supersupersupersuper delicious i swear! Hais, like this how to slim down LOL. okay other than that... I'll go back to school on 8, 9 and 10th of June for trainning trumpet, Long time didn't see my number 6 trumpet @_@ We will start at 8:30am until 5pm wtf train simi so long. Okay, ciaozxcvbnm. 3 days left!
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Went out with Jing Wen, Cing Yi, Aaron and Hong Wei. Too bad brian don't have go out with us if not you can drink coffee with us LOL! Wisma merdeka quite bored leh, we just walk and talk :o Yi & Wen. Aaron & Hong Wei Aaron My ice-blended mocha! (: Brian i let you see cause i see you too kesian bah. Hahaha. 6 days left