Why do i often see him in school?
Yes, i saw him walk behind me today (:
Jing Wen was shocked me for telling me and she make me going crazy o:
Too bad i never talk with him before, but im finding some chances to meet him :D
Sure many girls will jealous of me o: Haha.
After chinese lesson, Narina and i walking to my class,
then, she saw some boys going up on the stair and she keep saying: Korin i saw i saw...!
Then i really don't know what she want to say about then i shout WHAT?
Then she shout: "I saw the boy you like just now!!"
Then many people inside the class staring at us, its really make me shame and i faster go back my class and going mad.
But she saw the wrong people and this is quite funny haha. (:
I'm doing homeworks now,
seriously hate homeworks ):
Oh ya, i will be late back home on Friday cause that day we will celebrate teacher's day. :D
And he got perfom that day, awww i can't wait for it!
Bye (:

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