Yes, im fat! Cause i ate too much junks food in this few days.
YOU KNOW? I can't wear my white pants olready la, zxcvbnm.
I want to exerciseexerciseexerciseexerciseeeeee!
Throw away my junks food, and don't eat too much from this day onwards, bobba :l

Look at my stomach, eee. I feel like to kill myself when i see this picture.
Anyway this food is so delicious, don't know what name is this lmfaooo.

Aw my gawd, it's supersupersupersuper delicious i swear!
Yes, im fat! Cause i ate too much junks food in this few days.
YOU KNOW? I can't wear my white pants olready la, zxcvbnm.
I want to exerciseexerciseexerciseexerciseeeeee!
Throw away my junks food, and don't eat too much from this day onwards, bobba :l
Look at my stomach, eee. I feel like to kill myself when i see this picture.
Anyway this food is so delicious, don't know what name is this lmfaooo.
Hais, like this how to slim down LOL.
okay other than that...
I'll go back to school on 8, 9 and 10th of June for trainning trumpet, <3
Long time didn't see my number 6 trumpet @_@
We will start at 8:30am until 5pm wtf train simi so long.
Okay, ciaozxcvbnm.
okay other than that...
I'll go back to school on 8, 9 and 10th of June for trainning trumpet, <3
Long time didn't see my number 6 trumpet @_@
We will start at 8:30am until 5pm wtf train simi so long.
Okay, ciaozxcvbnm.
3 days left! <3