14th Birthday
I know i very very late to update this, i'm lazy xD
And i didn't took the pictures of the celebration because schools are not allowed to bring camera! What a suck rule. =/
BTW, this year i celebrated my birthday at school, this year celebration was totally AWESOME! I really appreciate that day! And i love you guys always!!! =]
That day i went to school earlier than usual, around 6:10am. I brought the cheesecake and 3 boxes of chocolate which my mum asked me to. The sky still haven't very bright yet, the weather was quite cold and only few people at school, feel so good. =]
When i reached to class, my friends was like shocked and asked me: "why you came school damn early today?" and they asked me to go school like this time everyday to accompany them... But sorry i won't! Because i like to sleep. HAHAHA.
After that my friends were helping me to prepare the things for the celebration, we talked and laughed. Enjoyed the fun =]
Few minutes later he finally arrived to school! He gave me the black dress bought from Taiwan!! The size suit me very much!! Appreciate it~ ^^
Then, the birthday celebration starts, they sing birthday song, i make a wish, i blow the candles, i cut the cake. I can hear they scream and clapped hand for me, i like this feeling! =]
But the most freaky thing is, after i cut my cake many people line up waiting for my cake! Luckily the cake was enough for my best friends and him if not i will smack them! And then they go open the chocolate boxes and shared to other class people without my permission!! You think who you are? Even my best friends no dare to open it, so you have no right to open it! >.<
Forget it, i think they not yet take their breakfast = = !
My friends told me the cheesecake was very tasty too! I also felt that =P
- Skipped about the school lessons -
Yeah right, i kena splashed water by my classmates after school! = = When the bell rings, i ran outside the class and they chased me and splashed the water to me! After that i cried and they laughed at me! What the fuck = =
I stayed at school until 5pm, my friends beg me that.
After i changed my clothes, i back to Bandroom and felt some hungry, i asked my friend accompany me to canteen she was like: "alright i will spend you eat maggie!" I thought she wanted to spend me eat maggie for the birthday present... But actually not!
When we just sat at canteen, she was kept asking me to wait a while! I was like, wait maggie come to my mouth? Then the surprise is coming! Danny brought the chocolate cake and go in front of me and sang birthday song to me with them! What a shock, everyone at canteen was staring at us. That moment look so funny but touching! I ate 2 cake, made 2 wishes and blew 2 time candles in a same day! xD
BTW i really love you guys so much, thanks for giving me this surprise! =']
So about the presents...
I really like the presents of this year, i will never forget how you all treated me =']
Thank you so much! ♥ =]