Hello guys! Finally i'm back from my busy life. During August & September, i was quite busy for singing competition, band concert, exam and others. That singing competition, i really don't know how to explain how suck i am. I didn't drink too much water cause of some reason then go sing, then i sing like shit. Say the truth i'm damn regret what i've did. But that was a first try. I shouldn't blame too much, i think. =/
And the KKHS Band Concert was very successful! =]
There's the picture of the concert:

credited by Edward Yong
So.. About my exam at last week.. Every subjects are quite easy especially for English, and Science, but except for Maths! I confirm will fail Maths. So i need to be more hardworking from now on. =]
Yesterday was went out with my friends (Brian, Er Jia, Hun Vui, Jessica, Lu Yee, Sam) But the girls don't wanna join us shopping so i didn't take the pictures of them. =/ =/ =/ & I didn't took too much of pictures because i not feel want to. So sorry guys =]
Watched the movie "King Of Fighters" yesterday, i was thought my friends bought Phua Chu Kang The Movie tickets, when i go inside the cinema and the movie starts, i was like, what the hell? The king of fighters? Then my friend told me he bought King of fighter's tickets = = I was so disappointed when i knew that i can't watch Phua Chu Kang. So i didn't really enjoy watching the movie. =/
There's some of the pictures:
Hun Vui & Sam
Hun Vui & Brian (couple seat) xD
hehe brian looks so cute here! x]
my phone camera quality quite nice =]
i can see my hand here! x]
@ My home =]
I was really enjoy the moments together with you all, thanks for coming friends =P
Going to take dinner now, bye! =]