Latern Concert 2010
Sorry for the late update! It should be updated on last friday but when i reach home already is 10pm so i'm very lazy to update! And yesterday was celebrating my birthday at Suria Sabah with friends, i didn't take too much of pictures so i don't update picture of yesterday =] but yesterday was very fun! We watched DEVIL and STEP UP 2 movie in 1 day. Devil is totally scary but its a great movie! Worth to watch! So the Step Up is okok only lah! Saying the truth i prefer romantic and touching love story.
Okay so about the latern concert... 2 words to describe, HOT and BORING! Inside the hall got few fans only really really hot! Even when i'm sitting at there i'm sweating too! I wondering who can sponser some air conditioner? =/ I didn't enjoy watching the programs except the drama. The drama was very funny i could hear many people laughing included me XD
Here are the pictures of the concert
HAHA hope the 1st pic won't scare you off!
Ah Beng & me
Danny (Can you see my forehead? I'm sweating cause very hot!)
Cindy (very hard to take pic with her)
Mr.Leaf & Jingwen
Jingwen & Ella
Mr.Leaf. Jingwen. Cindy.
And the last... Forgotten his name xD
Okay i think that's all for this post.. so goodbye! Enjoy your life! =]