Stay alone.
but nvm tmr can meet my friends again, wish i'm not alone anymore =[
ok today just went out eat with family at Suria Sabah food court, saw someone and he looked at me too but i acting like don't know him. I didn't smile to him hahaha i'm totally bad
So there's the pics of today:
(in the car) my hand was accidentally scalded by hair iron at home! still pain now shit T_T
inside the food court
beautiful scene!
soy milk (i know u want me ask why i got 2 straws, because i got 2 mouth!! HAHAHA)
i ordered clay pot chicken rice and it taste good!
heh heh heh
After that went in a present shop and it remind me my birthday is coming soon!! i saw many nice and cute stuffs at there.. i wondering anyone will buy those cute stuffs for me? =/
saw this kawaii hk keyboard at there!! so nice but i only got laptop xD saw many other cute stuffs too but too bad didn't take too much pictures of them.
i saw a blue converse shoes!! <3.

After that went to citymall again, played "race car" game with 2 unknown ppl then i lost!! i will never forget the guy crashed my car and laugh!@#$%^&*()
After playing was sang k alone too, i just sang 爱上你 - By2, 聊天 - 郭静 & 让我照顾你 - 张芸京 this 3 songs only, enjoyableeee wish i have chance to sing with my friends again next time! =D
Ok almost finish update so those are rubbish pictures don't see please! i know you will see it nvm ='[ Wakaka
Okkk nth to update now, bye.
Don't forget to like my post too =]